IDENTILIN$$ F015F17 V.a.345\pp.80-81\JPK\4-10-92\mf\P:TLP\o\6-10-92 015.F17.0HE D%5r%6 Dunne to his m%5rs%6 going to bed 015.F17.001 Come Maddam come, al rest my powers defy 015.F17.002 Vntil %Yin%Z I labour I in labour dy 015.F17.003 The foe oft times hauing y%5e%6 foe in sighte 015.F17.004 Is tir'd w%5th%6 standing though he neuer fighte 015.F17.005 Off w%5th%6 that girdle, like heauens zone glittering 015.F17.006 But a far fayrer worlde encompassing 015.F17.007 Vnpin that spangled brest plate w%5ch%6 you weare 015.F17.008 That th'eyes of busy fooles may be stopt there 015.F17.009 Vnlace your selfe, for that harmonious chime 015.F17.010 Tels me form you that now it is bed time 015.F17.011 Of w%5th%6 that happy busk w%5ch%6 I envy 015.F17.012 That stil can bee and stil can stand so nighe, 015.F17.013 Your gowne going of, such beuteous state reueals 015.F17.014 As when from flowry meads, t'hils shaddow %Yflyes%Z->>steales< 015.F17.015 Of w%5th%6 you wiery coronet and shew 015.F17.016 The happy diadem that on your head doth grow 015.F17.017 And now cast of those shoos then softly tread 015.F17.018 In this loues hallowed temple, this soft bed. 015.F17.019 In such white robes heauens angels vse to bee 015.F17.020 Receaud' by men. Thou Angel bringst w%5th%6 thee 015.F17.021 A heauen like Mahomets p%Padice, & though 015.F17.022 Il spirits walke in white, yet we know 015.F17.023 By this these angels from an euil spirit 015.F17.024 Those set our hayres but these our flesh vprighte.| 015.F17.025 Licence my rouing hands and let them goe 015.F17.026 Behinde, before, aboue, beneath below 015.F17.027 Oh my America, my new %Yfould%Z->found=land 015.F17.028 My kingdomes safest when w%5th%6 one man mand 015.F17.029 My mines of p%Ptious stones, my Emp%Py 015.F17.030 How blest am I, in this discouering thee 015.F17.031 To enter in these bonds is to bee free 015.F17.032 There where my hand is set my seale shal bee 015.F17.033 ful nakednes al ioyes are due to thee [CW:om] 015.F17.034 As soules vnbodied, bodyes vncloath'd must bee [p.82] 015.F17.035 To tast whole ioyes, Gems w%5ch%6 you women vse 015.F17.036 Are like Atlantas bals cast in mens vewes 015.F17.037 That when a fooles ey lighteth on a gem 015.F17.038 His earthly soule may couet you%5rs%6 not them 015.F17.039 Like pictures or like books gay couerings made 015.F17.040 for lay men, hath al women thus arayd 015.F17.041 Themselues are mistick bookes which only wee 015.F17.042 (whom their imputed grace wil dignify) 015.F17.043 Must see reueald. then since that I may know 015.F17.044 As liberally as to thy midwife show 015.F17.045 Thy selfe, cast al, yea this white lin%Men hence 015.F17.046 There is no pen%Mance due to in%Mocence 015.F17.047 To teach thee I am naked first, why than 015.F17.048 what needs thou haue more couering then a man 015.F17.0SS [om] 015.F17.0$$ %1No ind.%2; See infra pa 237 /of his m%6rs%6 rising %1wr. in LM op. HE%2