First-Line Index to C8
Add. 8467, Cambridge University Library ms. (Leconfield ms.)
Compiled by Ted-Larry Pebworth
Headings added by Nazenin Ozkan Carpenter, June 2012
In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) its Donne Variorum short form, (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or page nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line.
Additional information: An asterisk (*) following a first line indicates that the poem is entered in a hand other than the primary scribal hand. Superscript letters have been silently lowered to the line of print.
Sat1 C8.l ff.l-3v HE Satyre.
Awaie thou fondling motley humorist
Sat2 C8.2 ff.3v-6v HE Satyre.2.d.|
Sr. though (I thanck god for itt) I doe hate
Sat3 C8.3 ff.6v-9 HE [LM:Satyr.3.]
Kinde pittie chokes my spleene; braue skorne forbids
Sat4 C8.4 ff.9-15v HE Satyre:|
Well, I maie nowe receiue and dye: My sinne
Sat5 C8.5 ff.15v-17v HE Satirr.|
Thou shalt not laugh, in this leafe, Muse, nor they
ElBrac C8.6 ff.17v-20v HE Elegie .
Not that in couller itt was like thy haire
ElBed C8.7 ff.20v-22 HE Elegie. 2d
Come, madam come, all rest my powers defye
ElJeal C8.8 ff.22-23 HE Elegie. 3d.
ffond woman, which wouldst haue thy housband dye
ElAnag C8.9 ff.23-24v HE Elegie. 4th.|
Marrie, and loue thy Flauia, for shee
ElChange C8.l0 ff.24v-25 HE Elegie 5th.
Although thy hand and faith, and good workes too
ElPerf C8.ll ff.25v-27 HE Elegie 6th.
Once and butt once fownd in thy companie
ElPict C8.12 f.27-27v HE Elegie: 7th.|
Heere take my picture, though I bid farwell
Sorrow C8.13 ff.27v-28 HE Elegie 8th./ [27v]
Sorrowe, whoe to this house skarce knew the waye
ElServe C8.14 ff.28v-29v HE Elegie. 9th.
Oh, lett me not serue so, as those men serue
ElWar C8.15 ff.29v-30v HE Elegie 10th.
'Till I haue peace wth thee, warr other men
ElFatal C8.16 ff.30v-32 HE Elegie 11th.
By our first strange and fatall Interveiwe
ElNat C8.17 ff.32-33 HE Elegie. 12th.
Natures lay Ideott, I taught thee to loue
ElProg C8.18 ff.33-35v HE Elegie 13.
Whoe euer loues, if hee doe not propose
Storm C8.l9 ff.35v-37 HE XThe storme. To M:r Christofer Brooke.
Thou wch art I, (T'is nothing to be so)
Calm C8.20 ff.37-38v HE The Calme.|
Our storme is past, and that stormes, tyrannous rage
HWKiss C8.21 ff.38v-40 HE To S:r Henrie Wotton
Sr: more then Kisses, letters mingle soules
Cross C8.22 ff.40-41v HE The Crosse.
Since Christ imbrac'd the Crosse itt self, dare I
Mark C8.23 ff.41v-43 HE Elegie on the Ladie Markham.
Man is the worlde, and death the Ocean
BoulRec C8.24 ff.43-44v HE Elegie on Mrs: Boulstred.
Death,I recant, and saie, vnsaid by mee
HG C8.25 ff.45-46 HE To S:r Henrie Goodiere /[var:>>To Dina]
Whoe makes the past, a patterne for next yeere
RWThird C8.26 ff.46-47 HE To Mr Rowland Woodward.
Like one, whoe in her third widowhead dooth professe
HWNews C8.27 f.47-47v HE To S:r Henrie Wotton.
Heere is no more newes, then virtue, I may as well
BedfReas C8.28 f.48-48v He To the Countesse of Bedford.
Madame. /Reason is our soules left hand, faith her right
BedfRef C8.29 ff.48v-50v HE To the Countesse of Bedford
Madame. /You haue refin'd mee, and to worthiest things
EdHerb C8.30 ff.50v-51v HE [To S:r Edward Herbert.] At Iuliers.
Man is a lumpe, where all beasts kneaded bee
Annun C8.31 ff.51v-52v HE The Annunciation.
Tamelie fraile bodie, abstaine to day: To daie
Goodf C8.32 ff.52v-53v HE Goodfridaie. 1613. Riding towards wales.
Lett mans soule be a spheare, and then in this
Carey C8.33 ff.53v-55v HE A lettr to the Ladie Carey, and M:rs /Essex Rich, from Amyens. [53v]
Madame. /Heere, where by all, all Saints inuoked are
Sal C8.34 ff.55v-57 HE [To the Countesse of Salisbury.] August 1614|
Faire, great, and good, since seeing you wee see
Lit C8.35 ff.57-63v HE The Letanie /The ffather.| /[f.57v]1.|] [CW(f.57):Father|]
Father of heauen, and him by whome
Witch C8.36 ff.63v-64 HE om
I fixe myne eye on thine, and there *
Commun C8.37 f.64-64v HE om
Good we must loue, and must hate ill * [1st APP., BUT SCRIBE B]
Mess C8.38 f.69-69v HE Song
Send home my long straid eies to mee
Bait C8.39 ff.69v-70 HE om
Come liue wth mee, and be my loue
Appar C8.40 f.70-70v HE The apparition.
When by thy skorne, O Murdres I am dead
Broken C8.41 ff.70v-71v HE Song.|
Hee is stark mad, whoe euer saies
Lect C8.42 ff.71v-72 HE om
Stand still, and I will read to thee
ValMourn C8.43 ff.72-73 HE A Valediction.
As virtuous men, pass mildlie awaye
GoodM C8.44 f.73-73v HE om
I wonder, by my troth, what thou, and I
SGo C8.45 ff.73v-74v HE Song.|
Goe, and catch a falling starr
WomCon C8.46 f.74v HE Song.
Now thou hast lou'd mee one whole daie
Image C8.47 f.75-75v HE om
Image of her, whome I loue more then shee
SunRis C8.48 ff.75v-76 HE To the Sunne.
Busie olde foole, vnrulie sunne
Ind C8.49 ff.76-77 HE Song:|
I can loue boath faire and browne
LovUsury C8.50 f.77-77v HE om
For euerie hower that thou wilt spare me now
Canon C8.51 ff.77v-8v HE The Canonizac%Mon
For Gods sake holde your tongue and lett me loue
Triple C8.52 ff.78v-79 HE Song.|
I am twoe fooles I knowe
LovInf C8.53 ff.79-80 HE om
Yf yett, I haue not all your loue
SSweet C8.54 f.80-80v HE Song.
Sweetest loue, I doe not goe, for wearines of thee
Leg C8.55 ff.80v-81 HE Song.
When I dyed last, And deare I dye
Fever C8.56 ff.81-82 HE A Feauer.
Oh, doe not dye, for I shall hate
Air C8.57 f.82-82v HE Ayre and Angells
Twice or thrice, had I lou'd thee
Break C8.58 ff.82v-83 HE om
T'is true, t'is daie, what though itt bee
Anniv C8.59 f.83-83v HE om
All Kings, and all theire fauorites
ValName C8.60 ff.84-85v HE A Valediction of my name/ in the windowe.
My name engrau'd heerin
ElAut C8.61 ff.85v-86v HE Elegie Autumnall.
No spring, nor Summer, bewtie hath such grace
Twick C8.62 ff.86v-87 HE om
Blasted wth sigh's, and surrounded wth teares
ValBook C8.63 ff.87-89 HE Valediction of the booke.|
Ile tell thee now (deare loue) what thou shalt doe
Commun C8.64 f.89-89v HE om
Good wee must loue, and must hate ill [2nd APP., BUT SCRIBE A]
LovGrow C8.65 ff.89v-90 HE Spring.|
I skarce beleiue my loue, to be so pure
LovExch C8.66 ff.90-91 HE om
Loue anie Deuill else butt you
ConfL C8.67 f.9l-91v HE om
Some man vnworthie to be possessor
Dream C8.68 f.92-92v HE The Dreame.
Deare loue, for nothing lesse then thee
ValWeep C8.69 ff.92v-93 HE A Valediction.
Lett me powre forth
LovAlch C8.70 f.93-93v HE Mummie.
Some that haue deeper digg'd loues myne then I
Flea C8.71 f.94-94v HE The fflea.
Marke butt this Flea, and mark in this
Curse C8.72 ff.94v-95 HE The Curse.
Who euer guesses, thinks, or dreames he knowes
Ecst C8.73 ff.95v-97 HE The Extasie.
Where like a pillowe, on a bedd
Under C8.74 f.97-97v HE om
I haue done one brauer thing
LovDeity C8.75 ff.97v-98v HE Loues Deitie
I long to talk with some old louers ghost
LovDiet C8.76 ff.98v-99 HE Loues Diett.
To what a cumbersome vnweildines
Will C8.77 ff.99-l00 HE The Will
Before I sigh my last gaspe, lett me breath
Fun C8.78 f.l00-l00v HE The Funerall.
Whoe euer comes to shroud me, doe no harme
Blos C8.79 f.l0l-l0lv HE The blossom.|
Little thinck'st thou poore flower
Prim C8.80 f.l02-102v HE The Primerose
Vpon this Primrose hill
Relic C8.81 ff.l02v-l03v HE The Relique.
When, my graue is broke vp againe
Damp C8.82 ff.103v-l04 HE The Dampe.|
When I am dead, and Doctors know not why
EpEliz C8.83 ff.104-l06v HE An Epithalamion or mariage song
Haile Bishop Valentine, whose daie this is
Eclog C8.84 ff.106v-113 HE Ecclogue.
Vnseasonable man, Statue of Ice
Har C8.85 ff.113-ll8v HE Obsequies to the Lo: Harrington broth%5r%6 to the Countesse of Bedford.
Faire soule, which was not onlie as all soules bee
ff.[120-22] [FIRST-LINE INDEX, in the hand that entered poems 36 and 37]