IDENTILIN$$ F175.C09/HSWorld Luttrell (f. 95v) /TJS/mf/GAS/o/8-13-92 175.C09.0HE %X7 175.C09.001 I am a little world made cunningly 175.C09.002 of Elements & an Angelicke spright 175.C09.003 But black sinne hath betrayd to endlesse night 175.C09.004 my worlds both parts, & /oh/ both parts must dye 175.C09.005 You which beyond y%5t%6 heauen which was most high 175.C09.006 Haue found new Spheres, & of new land can write 175.C09.007 Poure new seas in mine eyes, y%5t%6 so I might 175.C09.008 Drowne my world with my weeping earnestly, 175.C09.009 or wash it, if it must be drownd no more. 175.C09.010 But oh it must be burnt, alas the fire 175.C09.011 of Lust & Enuy hath burnt it heertofore 175.C09.012 And made it fowler, lett theyr flames retyre 175.C09.013 And burne me o Lord with a fiery zeale 175.C09.014 of thee & thy house, which doth in eating heale. 175.C09.0SSom 175.C09.0$$ %1ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind 3-5sp; HE centered%2