IDENTILIN$$ F174.H06/HSMade/MS Eng 966.5 O'Flahertie (p. 25; f. 16)/corTJS/o/5-21-92 174.H06.0HE >>P.<< %X%JDiuine Meditations.%K /%X1 174.H06.001 Thou hast made mee, And shall thy worke decay? 174.H06.002 Repayre mee now, for now mine end doth hast 174.H06.003 I runn to death, and death meetes mee as fast 174.H06.004 And all my pleasures are like yesterday 174.H06.005 I dare not moue my dim%M eyes any way 174.H06.006 Despayre behind, and death before doth cast 174.H06.007 Such terrour, and my feebled flesh doth wast. 174.H06.008 By Sinne in it, w%5ch%6 it t'wards Hell doth weigh 174.H06.009 Onely thou art aboue, and when towards thee 174.H06.010 By thy leaue I can looke, I rise agayne 174.H06.011 But our old subtill foe so tempteth mee 174.H06.012 That not one hower my selfe I can sustayne 174.H06.013 Thy Grace may wing mee to p%5r%6vent his Art.[sic] 174.H06.014 And thou like Adamant drawe mine Iron hart 174.H06.0SSom 174.H06.0$$ %1ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind 3-5 sp;%2 P. %1in 2nd hand left of gen HE%2 %JDiuine Meditations.%K %1HS follow%2 Christo Saluatori %1on p.24%2