IDENTILIN$$ F171.H06/HSBatter/MS Eng 966.5 O'Flahertie (p. 32; f. 19v)/corTJS/o/5-21-92 171.H06.0HE >>P.<< [om] 171.H06.001 Batter my Heart, Three-persond God, for yo%5u%6 171.H06.002 As yet but knocke breath shine and seeke to mend 171.H06.003 That I may rise and stand, or'e throw mee, and bend 171.H06.004 Your force to breake blow burne, and make mee new 171.H06.005 I, like an vsurpd towne to another due 171.H06.006 Labour to admitt yo%5u%6, but o to no end 171.H06.007 Reason yo%5r%6 viceroy in mee mee should defend 171.H06.008 But is captiu'd and proues weake or vntrue 171.H06.009 Yet dearely I loue yo%5u%6, and would bee loued fayne 171.H06.010 But am betrothd vnto yo%5r%6 enemy 171.H06.011 Diuorce mee, vntye, or breake that knott agayne 171.H06.012 Take mee to yo%5u%6, emprison mee, for I 171.H06.013 Except yo%5u%6 enthrall mee never shall bee free 171.H06.014 Nor ever chast except you rauish mee.| [CW:In#what] 171.H06.0SS horizontal rules indicating end of section 171.H06.0$$ %1ll. 2 4 6 7 10 12 ind 3-4 sp; 190 foll%2 P. %1above l. 1 in 2nd%2