IDENTILIN$$ F171.C02/HSBatter Cambridge Add. 5778 (f. 15r)/ TJS/mf/7-11-91/corEWS/o/6-15-92 171.C02.0HE %X10. 171.C02.001 Better my Hart, Three Person'd God; for you 171.C02.002 As yett, but knocke, breath, shine, & seeke to mend 171.C02.003 That I may rise, & stand, overthrowe me, & bend, 171.C02.004 Your force to breake, blowe, burne, & make me new. 171.C02.005 I lyke an vsurpt Towne, to another due, 171.C02.006 Labor to admitt you, but oh to no end 171.C02.007 Reason your viceroy in mee, me shoulld defend, 171.C02.008 But is captiv'd, & proves weake or vntrue, 171.C02.009 Yet dearely I love you, & would be loved fayne, 171.C02.010 But am betroth'd vnto your Enemyes, 171.C02.011 Divorce mee, vntye, or Breake that knott againe, 171.C02.012 Take me to you, Imprison me, for I 171.C02.013 Except you inthrall mee, never shall be free 171.C02.014 Nor ever chast, except you ravish Mee.| 171.C02.0SSom 171.C02.0$$ %1ll. 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind%2