IDENTILIN$$ F167.B32/HSDeath BL Harley 4955 (f. 140v)/ TJS/mf/GAS/o/7-17-92 167.B32.0HE %X6. 167.B32.001 Death be not Proud, though some haue called Thee 167.B32.002 Mightye, & dreadfull, for thou art not soe, 167.B32.003 For those whom thou thinckst thou dost overthrowe 167.B32.004 Dye not, Poore death, nor yett canst thou kill mee. 167.B32.005 From %Ysleepe%Z rest, & sleepe, w%5ch%6 but thy Pictures bee 167.B32.006 Much pleasure, then from thee much most flowe, 167.B32.007 And soonest our best men, w%5th%6 Thee doe goe; 167.B32.008 Rest of theyre bones, & soules deliuerye, 167.B32.009 Thou art slaue to Fate, Chance, Kings, & desperate men, 167.B32.010 And dost w%5th%6 Poyson, warr, & sicknes dwell, 167.B32.011 And Poppy, or Charmes can make vs sleepe as well, 167.B32.012 And better then thy stroake; why swellst thou then? 167.B32.013 One short sleepe past, wee wake Eternallye, 167.B32.014 And death shall be no more, Death thou shalt Dye.| 167.B32.0SSom 167.B32.0$$ %1ll. 2 3 6 7 10 11 13 14 ind 3-4sp%2