IDENTILIN$$ F162.NY3/HSDue Westmoreland (f. 33r)/ TJS/cor-TLP/o/4-1-91;GAS/o/9-27-02 162.NY3.0HE .2. 162.NY3.001 As due by many titles I resigne 162.NY3.002 My selfe >%^%5to%6< thee (O God) first I was made 162.NY3.003 By thee, & for thee, & when I was decayde 162.NY3.004 Thy blood bought that, the w%5ch%6 before was thyne. 162.NY3.005 I ame thy Sonne made w%5t%6 thy selfe to shyne. 162.NY3.006 Thy Servant, whose paines thou hast still repayde. 162.NY3.007 Thy Sheepe, thyne Image; & (till I betrayde 162.NY3.008 My selfe) a Temple of thy Spirit divine. 162.NY3.009 Why dothe the deuill then vsurpe in mee? 162.NY3.010 Why doth he steale, nay ravish that's thy right? 162.NY3.011 Except thou rise, & for thyne owne worke fight 162.NY3.012 O I shall soone dispayre, when I do see 162.NY3.013 That thou lov'st Mankind well, yet wilt not chose \me[e][,] 162.NY3.014 And Satan hates me yet is loth to loose mee. 162.NY3.0SS slash mark used as horizontal rule 162.NY3.0$$ %1lines 2 3 6 7 10 12 ind; HE is left of l. 1 in margin%2; end of l. 13 indistinct