IDENTILIN$$ F149EU4|Mark|MS 401 H-P|f. 70v|EWS Original 6-6-83 149.EU4.0HE An Elegie on the Lady Markham 149.EU4.001 om. 149.EU4.002 om. 149.EU4.003 om. 149.EU4.004 om. 149.EU4.005 om. 149.EU4.006 om. 149.EU4.007 om. 149.EU4.008 om. 149.EU4.009 om. 149.EU4.010 om. 149.EU4.011 om. 149.EU4.012 om. 149.EU4.013 om. 149.EU4.014 om. 149.EU4.015 om. 149.EU4.016 om. 149.EU4.017 In her the sea of death hath made noe breach [f. 70v] 149.EU4.018 but as the tide doth wash the slimye Beach 149.EU4.019 & leaues imbrodered workes vpon the Sand 149.EU4.020 Soe is her flesh refin'd by deathes g cold hands. 149.EU4.021 om. 149.EU4.022 om. 149.EU4.023 om. 149.EU4.024 om. 149.EU4.025 om. 149.EU4.026 om. 149.EU4.027 om. 149.EU4.028 om. 149.EU4.029 om. 149.EU4.030 om. 149.EU4.031 om. 149.EU4.032 om. 149.EU4.033 om. 149.EU4.034 om. 149.EU4.035 om. 149.EU4.036 om. 149.EU4.037 om. 149.EU4.038 om. 149.EU4.039 om. 149.EU4.040 om. 149.EU4.041 Of what small spots pure white co%Mplaines, alas 149.EU4.042 How little poison breakes a christall glasse 149.EU4.043 She sin'd but iust enough to let vs see 149.EU4.044 That gods Words must be true: all sinners bee./ 149.EU4.045 om. 149.EU4.046 om. 149.EU4.047 om. 149.EU4.048 om. 149.EU4.049 om. 149.EU4.050 om. 149.EU4.051 om. 149.EU4.052 om. 149.EU4.053 How fitt she was for god I am content 149.EU4.054 to speake that death his vaine hast may repent. 149.EU4.055 how fitt for vs, how even & how sweete 149.EU4.056 how good in all her Titles & how meete 149.EU4.057 To haue reform'd this froward heresie 149.EU4.058 (that women can noe p%Pts of freindshippe be) 149.EU4.059 how morall how diuine shall not be told 149.EU4.060 least they that heare her vertues thinke her old. 149.EU4.061 & least wee death reioice & make him glad 149.EU4.062 of such a prey & to his tryumph adde./ 149.EU4.0SS om 149.EU4.$$ Left margin reads "Epitaphe." as heading for ll. 41-44, preceding ll. 17-20. Heading also scribal, in left margin, for ll. 17-20, 53-62. John Donne "Man is the world . . . " in pencil on f. 71, a blank inserted leaf.