{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier New;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\tx9360\f0\fs20 IDENTILIN$$ F01900B MH\\ pp.78-79[%1MH%2]\\mf\\ME\\5-15-87\\pr\\cf\\MJJ\\10-1-95\\cor\\MJJ\\11-20-95\\P:js\\fc(TxAM)\\10-25-05\par \pard 019.00B.0HE %XE%9leg%0. V. /%X%1His Picture%2.\par 019.00B.001 H%+Ere take my Picture; though I bid farewell;\par 019.00B.002 Thine, in my heart, where my soule dwels, shall /(dwel,\par 019.00B.003 'Tis like me now, but I dead, 'twill bee more\par 019.00B.004 When we are shadowes both, than 'twas before.\par 019.00B.005 When weather-beaten I come backe; my hand,\par 019.00B.006 Perhaps with rude oares torne, or Sun beams tann'd,\par 019.00B.007 My face and brest of hairecloth, and my head\par 019.00B.008 With cares harsh sodaine horinesse o'rspread, [CW: My]\par 019.00B.009 My body'a sack of bones, broken within,\par 019.00B.010 And powders blew staines scatter'd on my skinne;\par 019.00B.011 If rivall fooles taxe thee to'have lov'd a man,\par 019.00B.012 So foule, and coarse, as, Oh, I may seeme than,\par 019.00B.013 This shall say what I was: and thou shalt say,\par 019.00B.014 Doe his hurts reach me? doth my worth decay?\par 019.00B.015 Or doe they reach his judging minde, that he\par 019.00B.016 Should now love lesse, what he did love to see?\par 019.00B.017 That which in him was faire and delicate,\par 019.00B.018 Was but the milke, which in loves childish state\par 019.00B.019 Did nurse it: who now is growne strong enough\par 019.00B.020 To feed on that, which to disus'd tasts seemes tough.\par 019.00B.0SSom\par 019.00B.0$$ %1Small caps in HE and%2 /( %2at end of l.2 based on Harvard mf.%2\par \par }