IDENTILIN$$ F015.P1/MS 49.B.43 (ff.23-24)/TJS/mf/4-21-92/cor GAS/o/8-4-92 015.SP1.0HE %XElegie 2%5d%6.| 015.SP1.001 C%+ome Madam, come, all rest my Powres defie; 015.SP1.002 Vntill I labour, I in labour lie. 015.SP1.003 The foe oft times, hauing the foe in sight 015.SP1.004 Is tyr'd w%5th%6 standing thoughe they neuer fight. 015.SP1.005 Of with that Girdle, like heauens Zone glistering, 015.SP1.006 But a farre fairer world encompassing. 015.SP1.007 Vnpinn that Spangled Breast-plate, w%5ch%6 yo%5w%6 weare, [CW: That] 015.SP1.008 That the Eies of busie fooles maie bee stopt there. [f. 23v 015.SP1.009 Vnlace your self; for that harmonious Chyme 015.SP1.010 Telles Mee from yow, that now t'is your bedd-time. 015.SP1.011 Of with that happie Buske, whome I envie 015.SP1.012 That still can bee, and still can stand soe nighe. 015.SP1.013 Your Gowne's going of, such bewtious state reveales 015.SP1.014 As when from flowrie Meads, th'Hilles shaddowes steales. 015.SP1.015 Off with your wyrie Coronett, and showe 015.SP1.016 The hairie Diadem, w%5ch%6 on yow doth growe. 015.SP1.017 Off with these Shooes, and then softlie tread 015.SP1.018 In this loues hallowed Temple, thy soft Bedd. 015.SP1.019 In such white robes, Heauens Angelles v'sd to bee 015.SP1.020 Receiv'd by Men: Thou Angell bringst w%5th%6 Thee 015.SP1.021 A Heauen like Mahomets Paradice, and though 015.SP1.022 Ill Spiritts walke in white, wee easelie knowe 015.SP1.023 By this these Angells from an euill Spright. 015.SP1.024 They sett our Haiers, but these the fflesh vpright. 015.SP1.025 Licence my roving handes, and lett them goe 015.SP1.026 Behind, before, aboue, betweene, belowe. 015.SP1.027 Oh my America!, my New-found land 015.SP1.028 My Kingdome, safeliest when with one Man man'd 015.SP1.029 My Mine of pretious Stones; My Emperie; 015.SP1.030 How blest am I in thus discovering Thee? 015.SP1.031 To enter into these Bonds, is to bee free. 015.SP1.032 There where my hand is sett, my Seale shall bee. [CW: ffull] 015.SP1.033 ffull Nakednes all Ioyes are due to thee. [f. 24r 015.SP1.034 As Soules vnbodied, bodies vncloat'hd must bee 015.SP1.035 To tast whole Ioyes. Gemmes, w%5ch%6 yow Weomen vse 015.SP1.036 Are as Atlantaes Balles cast in Mens veiwes 015.SP1.037 That where a fooles Eye lighteth on a Gemme 015.SP1.038 His earthlie Soule maie Covett theires, not them. 015.SP1.039 Like Pictures, or like Bookes gaie Coueringes, made 015.SP1.040 ffor laye-Men are all weomen thus arrayde. 015.SP1.041 Themselues are mistique Bookes, w%5ch%6 onelie wee 015.SP1.042 Whome their imputed Grace will dignifie 015.SP1.043 Must bee revealed. Then since I maie knowe, 015.SP1.044 As liberallie as to a Midwife showe 015.SP1.045 Thy self: Cast all, yea this white linnen hence 015.SP1.046 There is noe pennance, much lesse Innocence 015.SP1.047 To teach thee I am naked first: Why than 015.SP1.048 What needs thou haue more couering then a Man? 015.SP1.0SSom 015.SP1.0$$ %1no ind; the punctuation in l. 27 is an exclamation point over a semicolon; term. punc. in l. 30 is question mark over a comma%2