IDENTILIN$$ File X015SA1 S. Africa Grey MS\pp.48-49\??\P:JG\o\1994\C:JSC\ 015.SA1.0HEom 015.SA1.001 Come Madam Come, all rest my powers defy. 015.SA1.002 vntill I labour, I in labour lye, 015.SA1.003 the foe oft times hauing the foe in sight 015.SA1.004 is tyred with standing though they neuer fight. 015.SA1.005 of with y%5t%6 girdle, like heauens%Yglistering%Z zones glistering, 015.SA1.006 but a far fayrer world in compassing, 015.SA1.007 vnpin y%5t%6 spangled breast plate, w%5c%6h you weare, 015.SA1.008 y%5t%6 th'eyes of busy fooles may be ****%>>stop%Vwith< that happy buske w%5c%6h I envye 015.SA1.012 y%5t%6 still can be, & still can stand so nigh; 015.SA1.013 your gownes going of such bea***ous state reveales 015.SA1.014 as where from flowry mead, th'hills shadows steales 015.SA1.015 off with >%Vyour< wyery coronet, and show 015.SA1.016 y%5e%6 hayrye Diadem w%5c%6h on you doth grow: 015.SA1.017 off with your grieued shooes, then safely tread 015.SA1.018 in this loues hallowed temple, this soft bed, 015.SA1.019 In such white robes **auens angells vse to be 015.SA1.020 receiud by men, thou Angell bringst with thee 015.SA1.021 a heauen like Mahomets paradice, and though 015.SA1.022 ill spirits walke in white, we easily know 015.SA1.023 by this >%Vthese< angells from an euill spright, 015.SA1.024 they set our hayres but these our flesh vpright. 015.SA1.025 Licence my roueing hands and let them goe 015.SA1.026 behind, before, aboue, betweene, below. 015.SA1.027 O my America, my new found land, 015.SA1.028 my kingdome, safest when with one man mand; 015.SA1.029 my mine of precious stones, my Emperye, 015.SA1.030 how blest am I in this discouering thee? 015.SA1.031 to enter in these bonds, is to be free, 015.SA1.032 then where my hand is set, my seale shall be, 015.SA1.033 full nakednes, **ll ioyes are due to thee, 015.SA1.034 as soules vnbodyd, bodys vncloth'd must bee 015.SA1.035 to tast these ioyes; gems w%5c%6h you women vse 015.SA1.036 y%5t%6 are as Atlantas balls, cast in mens views, 015.SA1.037 that when a fooles ey lighteth on a gem, 015.SA1.038 his earthly soule may couet theirs, not them, 015.SA1.039 like pictures, or like bookes gay couering made 015.SA1.040 for laymen, are all women thus arayd, 015.SA1.041 themselues are mystick bodyes, w%5c%6h onely we [CW:om] 015.SA1.042 (whom their imputed grace will dignifye) [49] 015.SA1.043 must see reveald,%>reveal>ed,< then since I may know, 015.SA1.044 a*%>a>s< liberally as to a midwife show 015.SA1.045 thy selfe, cast all, yea this white linnen hence, 015.SA1.046 here is no pennance, much lesse Innocence, 015.SA1.047 to teach thee, I am naked first, they than, 015.SA1.048 what needst thou haue more covering then a man. 015.SA1.0SS .I: D. 015.SA1.0$$om