IDENTILIN$$ X015O22| Eng. Poet. f.25|f.17r-v\JSC\mf\9-23-94\prf EWS 9-5-97 mf 015.O22.HE1 %XD%5r%6 Dun%Me to his M%5rs%6 goeing to bed. 015.O22.001 Come Madame, come, all rest my powers defye 015.O22.002 Vntill I labour, I in labour dye 015.O22.003 The foe ofttimes haveing y%5e%6 foe in sight 015.O22.004 Is tyr'd w%5th%6 standing, though they never fight. 015.O22.005 off w%5th%6 y%5t%6 girdle like heavens Zone glittering 015.O22.006 But a farre fayrer world encompassing. 015.O22.007 Vnpin y%5t%6 spangled breastplate, w%5ch%6 yow weare, 015.O22.008 That y%5e%6 eyes of busy fooles may be stopt there. 015.O22.009 Vnlace yourselfe for y%5t%6 harmonious chime 015.O22.010 Tell me from yow, y%5t%6 now it is bedtime. 015.O22.011 Off w%5th%6 y%5t%6 happy buske w%5ch%6 I envy 015.O22.012 That still can be & still can stand so nigh. 015.O22.013 Your gowne going off such beautyes state reveale%Ys%Z 015.O22.014 As whe%M from flowry meades y%5e%6 hilles shadowes steale. 015.O22.015 Off w%5th%6 your wiery Coronet and shew 015.O22.016 The happy diademe w%5ch%6 one your head doth grow. 015.O22.017 Now off w%5th%6 these neet shoes, & softly tread 015.O22.018 In this loves hallowed Temple this soft bed. 015.O22.019 In such white robes Heavens Angells vse to bee 015.O22.020 Received by men. Thow Angells bringst w%5th%6 thee 015.O22.021 a Heaven like Mahomets Paradise; and though 015.O22.022 Ill spirits walke in white, we easyely know 015.O22.023 By this these Angells from an evill sprite 015.O22.024 Those set our hayre, but these our flesh vpright. 015.O22.025 Licence my roving handes, and let them goe, 015.O22.026 Behinde, Before, Above, Beneath, Below. 015.O22.027 O my America, my new-found land 015.O22.028 My Kingdome safest when w%5th%6 one man man'd. 015.O22.029 My mine of pretious stones, my Empery 015.O22.030 How blest am I in thus discovering thee. 015.O22.031 To enter >%Vin< those bandes is to be free, 015.O22.032 There where my hand is set, my seale shalbee. 015.O22.033 ffull nakednes all ioy is due to thee, 015.O22.034 As soules vnbodied, bodyes vncloath'd must bee. 015.O22.035 To tast whole ioyes. gem%Mes w%5ch%6 women vse 015.O22.036 Are y%5e%6 Athlantaes balls, cast in mens views 015.O22.037 That when a fooles life lieth on a gem%Me 015.O22.038 His earthly soule %Y*%Z#may covet yow, not them. 015.O22.039 Like pictures, or like bookes, gay covering made 015.O22.040 ffor Laymen, are all women thus arayd. 015.O22.041 Themselves are misticke bookes, w%5ch%6 onely wee [f.17v] 015.O22.042 Whome their imputed grace will signifye 015.O22.043 Must see reveal'd; then since y%5t%6 I may know 015.O22.044 As liberally as to thy Midwife show 015.O22.045 Thy selfe, cast all yea this white lin%Men hence 015.O22.046 There is no pen%Maunce due to In%Mocence 015.O22.047 To teach thee I am naked first, why than 015.O22.048 W%5t%6 needest thow have more coverings y%5n%6 a man.| 015.O22.0SSom 015.O22.0$$ %1Final piping resembles checkmark, but piping's his usual ending; looks like he made a crummy "I" & rewrote it at end of l.46--couldn't have been the missing "to"; often hard to distinguish whether compound words are meant as one or two words; a couple of his l.c. "i"s have descenders like "j"s.%2