IDENTILIN$$ F015H050 Harvard, Eng. 966.4\f 144r-v\M:G.L.\P:TLP\o\5-6-92\C:JSC 015.H05.0HE Elegy. 015.H05.001 Come Madam, come, all rest my powers defy, 015.H05.002 vntill I labour, I in labour ly. 015.H05.003 The foe oftimes havinge the foe in sight 015.H05.004 is tyr'd with standinge, though he neuer fight. 015.H05.005 Of with that girdle, like heav'ns Zones glitteringe, 015.H05.006 but a farre fairer world encompassinge: 015.H05.007 Vn-pinne that spangled breast-plate w%5ch%6 you weare, 015.H05.008 that th' eyes of busy fooles may be stopt there: 015.H05.009 Vn-lace your selfe; for that harmonious Chime 015.H05.010 tells me from you, that nowe is your bed time: 015.H05.011 of with that happy buske, whome I envy, 015.H05.012 that still can be, and still can stand soe nigh: 015.H05.013 your gownes goinge of, such beautious state reveales 015.H05.014 as when from flowry meades, th' hilles shaddwe steales: 015.H05.015 Of with that wiery Coronett, and shewe 015.H05.016 the hairy Diadem%Me w%5ch%6 on you doth growe: 015.H05.017 Of with those shooes you weare, and safely tread 015.H05.018 in this Loues hallowed Temple, this soft bed. 015.H05.019 In such white robes heav'ns angells vsd' to be 015.H05.020 receiu'd by men: Thou Angell bright->>bri%Mgst< with thee 015.H05.021 a heav'n like Mahometts Paradise, and though 015.H05.022 Ill spirits walke in White, we easily knowe 015.H05.023 by this, these Angells from an euill spright, 015.H05.024 they sett our haires, but these our flesh vpright. 015.H05.025 Lycence my rovinge handes, and lett them goe 015.H05.026 behind, before, aboue, betweene, belowe: 015.H05.027 Oh! my America; my newe-found land! 015.H05.028 my kingdome, safeliest, when with one man mann'd! 015.H05.029 my Mine of pretious stones, my Emperee, [CW:om] 015.H05.030 howe blest am I, in this Discoveringe thee? [144v] 015.H05.031 To enter in these bandes, is to be free, 015.H05.032 then where my hand is sett., my seale shalbe: 015.H05.033 ffull Nakednes, all ioyes are due to thee, 015.H05.034 as soules vnbodied, bodies vnclothd' must be, 015.H05.035 to tast whole ioyes. Gem%Mes w%5ch%6 you, women, vse 015.H05.036 are like A'tlanta's Balls, cast in mens viewes; 015.H05.037 that when a fooles eye lighteth on a Gem%Me, 015.H05.038 his earthly Soule may couett theirs not them: 015.H05.039 Like Pictures, or like bookes gay coueringes, made 015.H05.040 for Lay-men, Are all women thus array'd; 015.H05.041 themselus are Mystique %Jbookes%K[Mvar:>%Jbodies%K<], w%5ch%6 only we 015.H05.042 whome theire imputed grace will dignify, 015.H05.043 must see reveald', then since I may knowe, 015.H05.044 as liberall as to a Midwife, showe 015.H05.045 thy selfe; cast all, yea this white linnen hence, 015.H05.046 here is no Pennance, much lesse Innocence. 015.H05.047 To teach thee, I am naked first; why than 015.H05.048 what needst thou haue more coveringe then a Man? 015.H05.0SS [om] three cloverleafs arranged as an inverted triangle 015.H05.0$$ no ind.