IDENTILIN$$ F015.B43/ BL Sloane 542 (f.11r-v)/TJS/6-24-91/cor GAS/o/7-25-92 015.B43.0HE D%5r%6 Dunne his verses to his Mistresse->>Mistrisse< 015.B43.001 Cume Mistriss cume all rest my powers defie 015.B43.002 Vntill I labor->>labour<, I in labours->>laboure< lie 015.B43.003 The foe oftimes hauing the foe in sight 015.B43.004 Is tired w%5th%6 standing though he neuer fight 015.B43.005 Off w%5th%6 that wast like heauens zone glitteringe 015.B43.006 But a farr fairer world encompassinge 015.B43.007 Vnpine that spangled brestplate w%5ch%6 you weare 015.B43.008 That y%5e%6 eis of busy fooles may be stopped there. 015.B43.009 Vnlase thy selfe, for that harmoniouse chime 015.B43.010 Tells me from you that now tis bead time 015.B43.011 Offe w%5th%6 that happy buske that I enuie 015.B43.012 That still cann be & still can stande so nigh 015.B43.013 Thy gounde going of such beautiouse state reueale 015.B43.014 As through flowery meads hills shaddows steale 015.B43.015 Off w%5th%6 that->>youre< faire wiery Coronet & show 015.B43.016 The hary->>heary< diadem %Ydoth%Z %Ygrow%Z that on you doth growe 015.B43.017 Now off w%5th%6 these shooes, & then safly tread 015.B43.018 In loues hallowed temple, this soft bead 015.B43.019 In such whit robes heauens angells->>Angells< vse to be 015.B43.020 Receiued by men. Thou Angel bright w%5th%6 thee 015.B43.021 A heauen %Y&%Z %Ypa**ed%Z >like< Mahomets paradise, & though 015.B43.022 All Spritts walke in white you easily know 015.B43.023 By this these Angells from an euill Spirit 015.B43.024 They set oure haires but these our flesh upright 015.B43.025 Licenc my rouening hands, & let them goe 015.B43.026 Before, behinde, betweene->>beneath<, aboue, below, 015.B43.027 O my America my new found land 015.B43.028 My kingdome safest when w%5th%6 one tis mand 015.B43.029 My mine of pretiouse stones, my Empiere 015.B43.030 How blest am I in now discoueri*->>discouering< thee 015.B43.031 To enter in these bands is to be free [f. 11v 015.B43.032 Then where my hande is set my seale shalbe 015.B43.033 Full->>Sweete< nakedness, all ioys belong->>are due< to thee 015.B43.034 As Souls vnbodied; %Yso%Z bodies naked->>vncloth'd< should bee 015.B43.035 To tast whole ioyes; gemms w%5ch%6 %Yyou%Z weomen vse 015.B43.036 Ar as Atlatus->>Atlantus<; balls cast in mens veiwes 015.B43.037 That when a fooles eie liteth on a gemme 015.B43.038 His earthly eies may couet theirs not them 015.B43.039 Like vnto bookes w%5th%6 gaudy couering made 015.B43.040 For lay men, ar all weomen thus arayed 015.B43.041 Themselues are only mistikt->>misticke< books, w%5ch%6 %Ywe%Z >only we< 015.B43.042 whome ther imp%Pted grace will dignifie 015.B43.043 Must be->>haue< reuealed; then sweet->>since< >that< I must->>may< know 015.B43.044 As freely as vnto a midwiff show %Ythy%Z %Yselfe%Z 015.B43.045 Thy selfe: cast all, yea this whit linnen he**se->>hence< 015.B43.046 Here is no pennance due to innocence 015.B43.047 To teach the I am naked first: why then 015.B43.048 what needs haue mor clothing then a man.X 015.B43.0SSom 015.B43.0$$ %1no ind; GAS says all changes are scribal%2