IDENTILIN$$ F013.WA1|ms. 41 (Morley ms.)| ff. 68v-69r|\E:CMR\EWS\o\5-28-86/cor GAS/o/7-30-92 013.WA1.HE1om 013.WA1.001 Nat*%5u%6res lay ideott I taught thee to loue 013.WA1.002 And in that sophistrie oh thou dost prooue 013.WA1.003 Too subtile foole that didst not vnderstand 013.WA1.004 The mistique lang*%5v%6age of the eie nor hand 013.WA1.005 Nor couldst thou iudge the difference of the ay%5re%6[%1gutter%2] 013.WA1.006 Of sighes, & say this lyes this sounds despayre, 013.WA1.007 Nor by the eies Water call a|maladie 013.WA1.008 Desperatly hott or changing feuerouslye. 013.WA1.009 I had not then taught thee the Alphabett 013.WA1.010 Of flowres, how they deuice fully beeing set 013.WA1.011 And bound vp might w%5th%6 speech lesse secrecye 013.WA1.012 Deliuer errands mutely and mutually. 013.WA1.013 Remember since all thy words vsd to bee 013.WA1.014 To euery sutour I if my freinds agree 013.WA1.015 Since houshould charmes thie husbands name to \teach 013.WA1.016 W%Yh%Zere all the loue trickes y%5t%6 thy witt could rea\ch[%1gutter%2] 013.WA1.017 And since an howres discourse could scarce haue made 013.WA1.018 One answere in thee & that ill arrayd, 013.WA1.019 In brokin prouerbs & torne sentences 013.WA1.020 Thou art not by soe many duties his 013.WA1.021 That from the worlds com%Mon hauing seuered thee[%1gutter%2] 013.WA1.022 Inlayde thee neither to be seen nor see 013.WA1.023 As mine w%5ch%6 haue w%5th%6 amorouse delicacies 013.WA1.024 Refind thee in to a blisfull paradice 013.WA1.025 Thy gra%Ys%Zes->>gra%5c%6es< & good words my creatures be 013.WA1.026 I planted knowledge & liues tree in thee 013.WA1.027 Which oh shall strangeres taste? must I alas [f. 69r 013.WA1.028 fframe & enamell plate & drinke in glasse? 013.WA1.029 Chafe Wax for others seales? breake a colts force 013.WA1.030 And leaue him then beeing made a readye horse[%1trimmed%2] 013.WA1.0SSom 013.WA1.0$$ %1indentation???%2