IDENTILIN$$ F012.B47/ElServe Stowe 962 (f. 211-12)/ GAS/o/3-21-90/cor GAS/o/8-1-92 012.B47.0HE Ellegie.| 012.B47.001 O let me not serue soe as those men serue 012.B47.002 Whose hono%5rs%6 smoake, at once fatten & starue 012.B47.003 Poorely enrich'd w%5th%6 greate mens words or lookes 012.B47.004 Nor soe write thy name in thy louinge bookes. [CW: As those.] 012.B47.005 As those Idolatrouse flatterers, who still [211v 012.B47.006 Theire princes stiles w%5th%6 many Realmes fulfill 012.B47.007 Where they noe tribute haue and where noe sway 012.B47.008 Such services I offer as shall pay 012.B47.009 Themselues, I hate deade names; O then let me 012.B47.010 ffavo%5r%6ite in ordinary or noe favo%5r%6ite be 012.B47.011 When my soule was in her owne boddy sheath'd 012.B47.012 Nor yet by oathes betroathed, nor kisses breathd 012.B47.013 Into my Purgatory, (faythlesse thee) 012.B47.014 Thy hart seemed wax & steele thy Constancie 012.B47.015 Soe carelesse flowers strawed->>straw'd< on the waters face 012.B47.016 The Curled whirlpooles such->>sucke< smacke & imbrace 012.B47.017 Yet drowne them. Soe the tap%Ps beamy eie 012.B47.018 Amorously twyn>%5c%6