IDENTILIN$$ File 01100F0 CSmH\pp.68-69\mf\ME\5-08-87\pr\cf\MJJ\10-1-95\cor\MJJ\11-20-95 011.00F.HE1 %XE%9legie%0 I. /%X%1Jealosie%2. 011.00F.001 F%+Ond woman, which wouldst have thy husba%Md die, 011.00F.002 And yet complain'st of his great jealousie: 011.00F.003 If swoln with poyson, he lay in'his last bed, 011.00F.004 His body with a sere-barke covered, 011.00F.005 Drawing his breath, as thick and short, as can 011.00F.006 The nimblest crocheting Musitian, 011.00F.007 Ready with loathsome vomiting to spue 011.00F.008 His soule out of one hell into a new, 011.00F.009 Made deafe with his poore Kindreds howling cries, 011.00F.010 Begging with few feign'd teares, great legacies, 011.00F.011 Thou would'st not weep, but jolly,'and frolick bee, 011.00F.012 As a slave, which to morrow should be free, 011.00F.013 Yet weepst thou, when thou seest him hungerly 011.00F.014 Swallow his own death, hearts-bane jealousie. 011.00F.015 O give him many thankes, he'is courteous: 011.00F.016 That in suspecting kindly warneth us, 011.00F.017 We must not as we us'd, flout openly, 011.00F.018 In scoffing riddles his deformity: 011.00F.019 Nor at his boord together being sat, 011.00F.020 With words, nor touch, scarce lookes adulterate. 011.00F.021 Nor when he swoln, and pamper'd with great fare 011.00F.022 Sits down and snorts, cag'd in his basket chaire, [CW: Must] 011.00F.023 Must we usurpe his own bed any more, 011.00F.024 Nor kisse and play in his house as before. 011.00F.025 Now I see many dangers; for, it is 011.00F.026 His realme, his castle, and his diocesse. 011.00F.027 But if as envious men, which would revile 011.00F.028 Their Prince, or coyn his Gold, themselves exile 011.00F.029 Into another countrey and doe it there, 011.00F.030 We play'in another house, what should we feare? 011.00F.031 There we will scorne his houshold policies, 011.00F.032 His seely plots, and pensionary spies, 011.00F.033 As the inhabitants of Thames right side 011.00F.034 Doe Londons Major; or Germans, the Popes pride. 011.00F.0SSom 011.00F.0$$om