IDENTILIN$$ F009Y020 Yale,B114,pp.113-117. E:G.L. P:DOF/o/6-25-92 C:JPK/5-20-93 009.Y02.0HE Elegia Duodecima. 009.Y02.001 As y%5e%6 sweete sweate of Roses in a still 009.Y02.002 as y%5t%6 w%5ch%6 from chaft Muscatts powres doth trill 009.Y02.003 As y%5e%6 Almightie balme of y%5e%6 orient East 009.Y02.004 Such are y%5e%6 sweete dropes %Ybut#perle#Carcanets%Z%5>on my mistrist breast<%6 009.Y02.005 and one her neck her skin such lusture setts 009.Y02.006 they seem not sweete dropps, but pearle Carcanetts. [CW:Ranke] 009.Y02.007 Ranke sweatie froth thy m%5rs%6 brow defiles [114] 009.Y02.008 like spermatique issue of ripe monstrous biles 009.Y02.009 Or like y%5t%6 scume w%5ch%6 by weedes lawles la%Ywe%Z>%5we%6< 009.Y02.010 Enforc't sancerras sterved men did draw 009.Y02.011 from boyld shooes & bootes & all y%5e%6 rest 009.Y02.012 w%5ch%6 were w%5th%6 an%Yn%Zy soueraigne fattnes blest 009.Y02.013 Or like flying stones in saffrond Tinne 009.Y02.014 or warts or wheales, they hang vpon her chinne 009.Y02.015 Bound as y%5e%6 world her heade on euery side 009.Y02.016 like to y%5t%6 fatall ball, w%5ch%6 fell one Ide. 009.Y02.017 Or y%5t%6 where of God had such Ielosie 009.Y02.018 as for y%5e%6 ravishing thereof we die 009.Y02.019 The heads like a roughe hewen statute of Iett 009.Y02.020 where markes of eies, Nose, mouth are carsely sett; [CW:Like] 009.Y02.021 Like y%5e%6 first Caos or flat seeming face [115] 009.Y02.022 of Cinthia when y%5e%6 earths shadowes her embrace 009.Y02.023 Like Procerpines white beautie keeping chest 009.Y02.024 or Joues best fortunes vrne, is her faire breast 009.Y02.025 Thine's like worme eaton tronkes, cloath'd in sskinne 009.Y02.026 or graues y%5ts%6 durt w%5th%out, & stenche w%5th%6in 009.Y02.027 And like y%5e%6 slender stalke at whose end stands 009.Y02.028 y%5e%6 woodbind quiuering, are her armes & hands 009.Y02.029 Like roughe barke Elmes boughe, or y%5e%6 russett skin 009.Y02.030 of men late scourgd from madnes, or for sin 009.Y02.031 %YKil%Z>Like< sun parcht quarters on y%5e%6 Cittie gates 009.Y02.032 Such is y%5e%6 tannd skin lamentable states [CW:The][miscatch] 009.Y02.033 And like a bunch of ragged Carretts stand [119] 009.Y02.034 the scurffe swolne fingers of y%5e%6 gowtie hand 009.Y02.035 Then like y%5e%6 Chimicks masculine equall fier 009.Y02.036 w%5ch%6 in y%5e%6 Limbicks warme wombe doth inspier 009.Y02.037 into y%5e%6 earths worthless durt a soule of gould 009.Y02.038 such cherishing heate her best lou'd parts doth hould 009.Y02.039 Thines %Yli%Z>like< a dread mouthe of a fired gun 009.Y02.040 or like hott liquid mettalls newly runne 009.Y02.041 into clay%Ymettalls%Z moulds, or like y%5t%6 AE%Ltna 009.Y02.042 where round about y%5e%6 grass is burnt away 009.Y02.043 Are not your kisses then as filthy & more 009.Y02.044 as a worme sucking & invenomed sore: [CW:Doth] 009.Y02.045 Doth not thy fearefull hand in feeling quake [117 009.Y02.046 as one w%5ch%6 gathereth flowers, still feares a snake 009.Y02.047 Is not yo%5r%6 last act harsh & violent 009.Y02.048 as when a Ploughe a stony ground hath rent 009.Y02.049 Soe kiss good Turcles so devoutely nice 009.Y02.050 are preists in handling reverende sacrifice 009.Y02.051 and such in searing rounds y%5e%6 Surgion is 009.Y02.052 As we, when we embrace, or touch or kiss 009.Y02.053 Leaue her & I will leaue comparing thus 009.Y02.054 She & comparisons & are odious. [CW:Elegia#decima#tercia#/H.][miscatch] 009.Y02.0SS [large diagonal scribal slash] 009.Y02.0$$ No indentation.