IDENTILIN$$ F009SA10 SouthAfricaGreyMS,pp.58-59. E:G.L. P:T-LP/mf/5-19-93 C:JPK/5-20-93 009.SA1.0HE Elegye 009.SA1.001 As y%5e%6 sweete sweate of roses in a still, 009.SA1.002 as y%5t%6 w%5ch%6 from chast MuskCatt poores doth trill, 009.SA1.003 as y%5e%6 allmighty balme of the early East, 009.SA1.004 such are y%5e%6 sweat drops on my Mistresse breast; 009.SA1.005 and on her neck, her skin, such lustre setts, 009.SA1.006 they seeme not sweat-drops, but pearle Coronetts. 009.SA1.007 Rank sweaty froth thy Mistresse brow defiles, 009.SA1.008 like Spermatick issue of rank menstruous biles, 009.SA1.009 or like y%e%6 Sun, w%5ch%6 by needs needles law 009.SA1.010 enforc'd Sanferraes#%Ymen%Zstarved men to draw 009.SA1.011 from perboyld shooes, and bootes, & all y%5e%6 rest 009.SA1.012 w%5ch%6 were with any soveraigne fatnes blest; 009.SA1.013 and like vile lying stones in saffrond tinne, 009.SA1.014 or warts, or wheales, they hang vpon her skin. 009.SA1.015 Round as y%5e%6 worlds her head, on euery side 009.SA1.016 like to y%5e%6 fatall ball w%5ch%6 fell on Ide, 009.SA1.017 or that whereof God had such Iealousye 009.SA1.018 as for y%5e%6 rauishing wherof we dye, 009.SA1.019 Thy head is like a rough hewn statue of Ieat 009.SA1.020 where markes for eyes, nose mouth are yet scarce sett. 009.SA1.021 like y%5e%6 first Chaos, or flatt seeming face 009.SA1.022 of Cinthia, when the earths shades her embrace. 009.SA1.023 Like Proserpines fayre beauty keeping chest, 009.SA1.024 or Ioues best fortunes vrne, is her fayre breast 009.SA1.025 Thine like worme-eaten trunks, cloathd in Seales skins 009.SA1.026 or graues y%5t%6s durt without, & stinke within. 009.SA1.027 And like y%5t%6 slender stalke, at whose end stands 009.SA1.028 the woodbine quivering, are her armes & hands 009.SA1.029 Like rough barkt Elme boughs, or y%5e%6 russet Skinne [CW:om] 009.SA1.030 of men late scourgd for madnes, or for Sinne, [59] 009.SA1.031 like Sun parcht quarters, on y%5e%6 Citty gate, 009.SA1.032 Such is thy tan%Md skins lamentable state; 009.SA1.033 and like a bunch of ragged Carretts, stand 009.SA1.034 y%5e%6 short swolne fingers of thy gowty hand. 009.SA1.035 Then like y%5e%6 Chimicks masculine equall fire, 009.SA1.036 w%5c%6h, in y%5e%6 Limbecks warme wombe doth inspire 009.SA1.037 Into th'earth%Yles%Z worthles part, a soule of gold; 009.SA1.038 such cherishing heate her best loued part doth hold. 009.SA1.039 Thines like y%5e%6 dread mouth of a fired gunne, 009.SA1.040 or like %Ynew%Zhot liquid mettles newly run%Y,%Z 009.SA1.041 into clay molds, or like to that Etna, 009.SA1.042 where round about y%5e%6 grasse is burnt away; 009.SA1.043 are not your kisses then as ill, and more? 009.SA1.044 as a worme sucking an envenomed sore? 009.SA1.045 doth not thy swarthy hand in feeling quake 009.SA1.046 as one that gathering flowers, still feard a snake? 009.SA1.047 is not your last act harsh & violent, 009.SA1.048 as when a plow a stony ground Doth rent? 009.SA1.049 So kisse kind turtles, so deuoutly nice 009.SA1.050 are priests in handling reverent sacrifice, 009.SA1.051 and such in searching wounds y%5e%6 Surgeon is 009.SA1.052 as we when we embrace or touch or kisse: 009.SA1.053 leaue her and I will leaue comparing thus, 009.SA1.054 she and comparisons are odious. 009.SA1.0SS finis. I. D. 009.SA1.0$$om