IDENTILIN$$ File F008F09 V.a. 170\pp.200-203\JPK\02-21-92\mf\P:TLP\o\6-4-92\C:JSC 008.F09.0HE On the losse of a gold chaine: I: D: .||. 008.F09.001 Not that in colour it was like thy hayre; 008.F09.002 For (armletts off) that still thou letst mee weare: 008.F09.003 Nor that thine hand it oft embrac't & kist; 008.F09.004 For so it had that good which oft I mist: 008.F09.005 Nor for that silly old moralitie, 008.F09.006 That as those links are chaynd, our souls should bee, 008.F09.007 Mourne I, that I thy seven fold chayne have lost, 008.F09.008 Nor for lucks sake: but for that bitter cost. 008.F09.009 Oh shall twelve righteous Angells, which as yett 008.F09.010 No leaven of vile infection did admitt, 008.F09.011 Nor yet by any fate have strayd, or gone 008.F09.012 From the first state of theyr creation; 008.F09.013 Angells which heaven com%Maunded to provide 008.F09.014 All things for mee, & bee my faythfull guide: 008.F09.015om 008.F09.016om 008.F09.017 Shall these twelve Innocents, by thy severe 008.F09.018 Iudgement (dread Iudge) my sins great burden beare? [CW:Shall] 008.F09.019 Shall these bee damnd, & in the fornace throwne? [p.201] 008.F09.020 And punisht for offences not theyr owne? 008.F09.021 They save not mee, they doe not ease my payne, 008.F09.022 When that in hell they're burnt, & tyed in chains. 008.F09.023 Were they but crownes of France I cared not: 008.F09.024 For most of them theyr naturall countries rott 008.F09.025 I thinke possesseth: they come here to vs 008.F09.026 So leane, so lame, so pale, so ruinous. 008.F09.027 And howsoere French kings most Christian bee 008.F09.028 They circumcise theyr Crowns most Iewishly. 008.F09.029 Or were they Spanish stamps, still travelling 008.F09.030 That are become as Catholicke, as theyr king, 008.F09.031 These vnlicked beare whelps, vnfil'd pistoletts 008.F09.032 That more then Canon shott avayls, or letts, 008.F09.033 Which negligently left vnrounded, looke 008.F09.034 Like many angled figures in the booke 008.F09.035 Of some great Conjurer; that would infore 008.F09.036 Nature (as some doe Iustice) from her course. 008.F09.037om 008.F09.038om 008.F09.039om 008.F09.040om 008.F09.041om 008.F09.042om 008.F09.043 Or were it such gold as that, wher-withall 008.F09.044 High mighty Chymicks, from each minerall 008.F09.045 Having by subtile fire a Soule outpulld 008.F09.046 Are durty, and most desperately gulld, 008.F09.047 I would not spitt, to quench the fire they'r in: 008.F09.048 For they are guilty of much haynous sinne. 008.F09.049 But shall my righteous Angells perish? shall 008.F09.050 I loose my life, mine ease, my guard & all? 008.F09.051 Much hope, which these should nourish, will bee dead, [CW:Much#of] 008.F09.052 Much of my able youth, & lusty head [p.202] 008.F09.053 Will vanish. If thou love, lett y.%5m%6 alone; 008.F09.054 For thou wilt love mee lesse, when they are gone: 008.F09.055 And bee content, that some loud squeaking cryer, 008.F09.056 Content with one leane threedbare groat for hire, 008.F09.057 May like a Divell roare through every streete, 008.F09.058 And gall the finders conscience if they meete. 008.F09.059 Or lett mee creepe to some dread Conjurer 008.F09.060 That with fantastique lines fills much pa-per; 008.F09.061 That hath divided hell in tenements, 008.F09.062 And with whores, theevs, & murtherers stufft his rents 008.F09.063 So full, that though hee passe y%5m%6 all in sinne, 008.F09.064 Hee leaves no roome for him to enter in. 008.F09.065 And if, when all his time & art is spent, 008.F09.066 There will bee nothing found: yet bee content, 008.F09.067 Receive from him thy doome vngrudgingly, 008.F09.068 Because hee is the mouth of Destiny. 008.F09.069 Alas, thou sayst, the Gold doth yet remayne: 008.F09.070 Though it bee changde, & turned to a Chaine. 008.F09.071 So in the first falln Angells resteth still 008.F09.072 Wisdome & Knowledge, but 'tis turnd to ill: 008.F09.073 As these, should doe good works, & should provide 008.F09.074 Things necessary, now must nurse thy pride. 008.F09.075om 008.F09.076om 008.F09.077om 008.F09.078om 008.F09.079om 008.F09.080om 008.F09.081om 008.F09.082om 008.F09.083om 008.F09.084om 008.F09.085om 008.F09.086om 008.F09.087om 008.F09.088om 008.F09.089 But I am guilty of your sadd decay: 008.F09.090 May its fellowes with mee no longer stay. [CW:/But#thou] 008.F09.091 But thou (o%C wretched finder) whom I hate [p.203] 008.F09.092 So much that I almost pitty thy state; 008.F09.093 Gold being the heavyest mettall, amongst all; 008.F09.094 May my most heavy curse vpon thee fall. 008.F09.095 Heere fetterd, manacled, & tyed in chaynes 008.F09.096 First mayst thou bee; then chaynd in hellish paines. 008.F09.097om 008.F09.098om 008.F09.099 May the next thing thou stoopst to reach, containe 008.F09.100 Poyson, whose nimble fume rott thy moyst brayne. 008.F09.101om 008.F09.102om 008.F09.103 Lust-bredd diseases rott thee; and dwell with thee 008.F09.104 Itchy desires, and noe ability. 008.F09.105 May all the ill that ever Gold hath wrought 008.F09.106 All mischiefe that the Divells ever thought: 008.F09.107 Want after plenty; poore and gouty age 008.F09.108 The plague of traveller; love, marriage 008.F09.109 Afflict thee: and at thy lifes last moment 008.F09.110 May thy swolne sins themselves to thee present. 008.F09.111 But I forgive: repent thou honest man. 008.F09.112 Gold is restorative: restore it than. 008.F09.113 But yet, if from it thou art loath to parte, 008.F09.114 Because 'tis cordiall, would twere at thy heart. 008.F09.0SS om 008.F09.0$$ %1Ll. 69 & 89 ind; ll.93-4 wr. betw. ll.100 & 103%2