IDENTILIN$$ F004LR1|Burley ms.|ff. 283-85v|T:EWS\o\5-31-83\FM:JSC\x\10-1-96\P&C:JSC\hwt,x\3-23-99 004.LR1.HE1om 004.LR1.001 W%+ell: I may now receaue & dy, my sinn 004.LR1.002 indeed is great; but I haue binn 004.LR1.003 in a purgatory: such a feare as hell, is 004.LR1.004 a recreation & scarse mapp of this. 004.LR1.005 my mind nor w%5th%6 prides itch, nor yet hath beene 004.LR1.006 poysned w%5th%6 loue to see or to bee seene, 004.LR1.007 I had no suit at Court [om] [om] [om] [om] 004.LR1.008 [om] [om] [om] [om] \but as C>l%Y.%Z< for once going y%5t%6 way. 004.LR1.017 therfore I suffred this. towards me did come[sic] 004.LR1.018 a thing more strang then on Nilus slyme y%5e%6 sonne 004.LR1.019 ere bred, or all w%5ch%6 into Noes Arke came 004.LR1.020 a think[sic] w%5ch%6 would haue posd Adam to name 004.LR1.021 straunger then 7 antiquaries studies 004.LR1.022 then Africks monster Gu>a%>i%Yw%Z%Vgreat< ma%M 004.LR1.121 he names a price for every office payd 004.LR1.122 how o%5r%6 wars thriue [om] because they are delayd 004.LR1.123 how y%5t%6 offices are entayld and y%5t%6 ther are 004.LR1.124 p%Ppetuities of them lasting a[sic] far 004.LR1.125 as the last day & that great officers 004.LR1.126 do w%5th%6 y%5e%6 pirats share & dunkerkers 004.LR1.127 who wasts in meats in cloth in horse he notes 004.LR1.128 who loueth whores who boyes who goates 004.LR1.129 I more amazd then Circes prisoners when 004.LR1.130 they fealt them selues turne beast: felt my self the%M 004.LR1.131 becom%Ming traytor: And my[sic] thought I saw 004.LR1.132 one of o%5r%6 giant statutes[sic] ope his iaw 004.LR1.133 to suck me in for hereing him: I found 004.LR1.134 that as burnt venomd letchers might grow sound 004.LR1.135 by giuing others there soares so I might grow 004.LR1.136 guilty & hee free: therfore did I shew 004.LR1.137 all signes of loathing: but since I am in 004.LR1.138 I must pay myne & my forefathers sin 004.LR1.139 to y%5e%6 last farthing: therfore to my powre 004.LR1.140 toughly I bare this cross but y%5e%6 houre 004.LR1.141 of my redemption now was come he tryes to bring 004.LR1.142 me to pay a fine to scap his torturing [CW:om] 004.LR1.143 and sayth S%5r%6 can y%5o%6 spare me I sayd willingly [f.284v] 004.LR1.144 nay S%5r%6 can y%5o%6 spare me a crowne thankfuly I 004.LR1.145 gaue as a ransome but as fidlers still 004.LR1.146 though they bee payd to be gone, yet will 004.LR1.147 thrust some more Ieggs vpon y%5o%6 so did hee 004.LR1.148 w%5th%6 his complementall thanks vex me 004.LR1.149 but hee is gone thanks to his needy want 004.LR1.150 and y%5e%6 p%5r%6rogatiue of my crowne: scant 004.LR1.151 his thanks were ended, when I (who did see 004.LR1.152 all y%5e%6 court fild w%5th%6 more strang things the%M hee) 004.LR1.153 ran from thence w%5th%6 such or more hast the%M one 004.LR1.154 who feares more actions hasts fro%M prison 004.LR1.155 at home in wholsome solitarines 004.LR1.156 my piteous soule began, the wretchednes 004.LR1.157 of sutors at court to mourne, & a traunce 004.LR1.158 (like him who dreamd he saw hell) did advaunce 004.LR1.159 it self ore me & such as hee saw there 004.LR1.160 saw I at court and more and worse: loe feare 004.LR1.161 becomes y%5e%6 guilty, not y%5e%6 accuser, why should I then 004.LR1.162 (being nones slaue) of high borne or raysd men 004.LR1.163 f%Yro%Z>%5eare%6< frownes: and my m%5rs%6.["."last] truth betray thee 004.LR1.164 to y%5e%6 huffing bragga%Mt[sic] puft nobility 004.LR1.165 no, no, thou w%5ch%6 since yesterday hast beene 004.LR1.166 almost about y%5e%6 world, hast thou seene 004.LR1.167 (o sun%M) in all thy iorney vanity 004.LR1.168 such as swells y%5e%6 bladder of y%5e%6 court? I 004.LR1.169 think hee w%5ch%6 y%5e%6 waxen garden brought, and 004.LR1.170 transported it fro%M Italy to stand 004.LR1.171 w%5th%6 vs at London: flouts our p%5r%6sence, for 004.LR1.172 iust such gay painted things, w%5ch%6 no sap, nor 004.LR1.173 tast haue in them; ours are. and some naturall 004.LR1.174 braunches of y%5e%6 stocke are there fruits bastard all. 004.LR1.175 tis ten a clock & past: all whome y%5e%6 mewes 004.LR1.176 baloune tennis diet or y%5e%6 stews 004.LR1.177 had all y%5e%6 fornoone held: now y%5e%6 second 004.LR1.178 tyme of[sic] day made ready in flocks are found 004.LR1.179 in y%5e%6 p%5r%6sence & I (god p%Pdon me) 004.LR1.180 as fresh and sweet there aparralls bee, as bee 004.LR1.181 y%5e%6 feilds they sold to buy y%5m%6: for a king 004.LR1.182 those hose are cryes those flatterers w%5ch%6 bring 004.LR1.183 them next vnto y%5e%6 theater to sell. 004.LR1.184 wants reach all states. me thinks they do as well 004.LR1.185 at stage as court: all are players. who ere looks 004.LR1.186 (for them selues dares[sic] not go) on cheapside bookes 004.LR1.187 shall find there wardrope%>>wardrops< inventory: now [CW:om] 004.LR1.188 the ladies come, as pirats w%5ch%6 did know [f.285] 004.LR1.189 that there came weake vessells fraught w%5th%6 cochinell 004.LR1.190 the men board them & praise (as they think well) 004.LR1.191 there beauties they y%5e%6 mens witts, both ar bought 004.LR1.192 why good witts were scarlet I thought 004.LR1.193 this cause these mens witts for speeches buy 004.LR1.194 and wome%M buy all reds w%5ch%6 scarlet dy. 004.LR1.195om 004.LR1.196om 004.LR1.197 Would not Heraclyt9[us] laugh to see Macrine 004.LR1.198 from hat to shoe at dore him self refine 004.LR1.199 (as if y%5e%6 p%5r%6sence were a mesquite) & lift 004.LR1.200 his cloake & call his cloathes to shrift? 004.LR1.201 making y%5m%6 confesss[sic] not only mortall 004.LR1.202 great staynes & holes but also veniall 004.LR1.203 feathers & dust by w%5ch%6 they fornicate 004.LR1.204 and by dures[sic] rule survays y%5e%6 state 004.LR1.205 of his each lim%M, & w%5th%6 strings y%5e%6 odds tryes 004.LR1.206 fro%M his %Yeach%Z>%5neck%6< to his wast fro%M wast to his thies. 004.LR1.207 so >%5in%6< imaculate cloathes & sim%Metry 004.LR1.208 p%Pfect as circles w%5th%6 such amity 004.LR1.209 (as a yong preacher at his first tyme goes 004.LR1.210 to preach) he enters in & a ladies hand w%5ch%6 owes 004.LR1.211 not so mutch as good will, hee straight arests 004.LR1.212 & vnto hir p%Ptests p%Ptests p%Ptests 004.LR1.213 so much as at Rome would serve to haue throwne 004.LR1.214 ten cardinals into y%5e%6 inquisition 004.LR1.215 & whisp%Ps so often by Iesu that a 004.LR1.216 pursiuant would haue ravisht him away 004.LR1.217 for saying our ladies psalter: but tis fitt 004.LR1.218 that they each other plague, they merit it. 004.LR1.219 but here come[sic] Glorious y%5t%6 will plague y%5m%6 both 004.LR1.220 who in an other extreame only doth 004.LR1.221 call a rough carelesnes good fashion 004.LR1.222 whose cloake his spurrs [sic]teares, whome he spits on 004.LR1.223 he cares not, his ill words do no harme 004.LR1.224 to him: he rusheth in as if arme arme 004.LR1.225 hee came to cry & though >%5his%6< face be as ill 004.LR1.226 as who in old hangings whipt Christ, still 004.LR1.227 yet hee striues to looke worse & keeps all in awe 004.LR1.228 iests like a licen*d%>licen>s>Printed<< %1penciled in RM at l.1; ll.7-8 conflated in ms.)%2