IDENTILIN$$ F003OQ1|Queen's College ms.216|ff. 201-02v|JSC\x\5-19-97\P:EWS\o\6-19-97\C:JSC\7-22-97 003.OQ1.HE1 %X%1S%+atira 3%5a%6%2 003.OQ1.001 K%+ynd pittie choakes my Spleene, braue Scorne forbids 003.OQ1.002 Theis teares to issue which %Y******%Z>%Vswell myne< ie lyds 003.OQ1.003 I must not laughe nor weepe synnes, and be wise, 003.OQ1.004 may railinge then cure theis worne%Y*%Z maladies? 003.OQ1.005 Is not our mistris faire %1Religion%2 003.OQ1.006 As worthie of all our Soules devotion, 003.OQ1.007 As vertue was to the first blynde age? 003.OQ1.008 Are not heavens ioyes as valiant to asswage 003.OQ1.009 Lustes as Earths honor was to them? Alas 003.OQ1.010 as we do them in meanes shall %Ys%Zthey surpasse 003.OQ1.011 vs in the end? and shall thie fathers spiritt 003.OQ1.012 meete blynd Philosophers in heauen, whose meritt 003.OQ1.013 of strict life maie be imputed faith, and heare 003.OQ1.014 thee (whom he taught waies waies[sic] easy and neere 003.OQ1.015 to followe) damnde? O%C if thou durst feare this: 003.OQ1.016 this feare, Courage and highe valour is: 003.OQ1.017 Durst thou aide mutynous Dutch? Durst thou laie 003.OQ1.018 thee in shippes woodden Sepulchers? a praie 003.OQ1.019 to Leaders rage to stormes, to shott, to death; 003.OQ1.020 durst thou dyve Seas, and dungeons of the earth? 003.OQ1.021 Hast thou Couragious fier to thawe the yce 003.OQ1.022 of frozen North Discou%5r%6ies, and thrice 003.OQ1.023 colder then %1Salamanders%2, like divyne 003.OQ1.024 Children in the Oven fiers of %1Spaine%2; and the lyne 003.OQ1.025 whose Countries, lymbeckes to our bodies be 003.OQ1.026 Canst thou for gayne beare? And must eu%5r%6y hee 003.OQ1.027 w%5c%6h cries not (goddesse) to thy mistris, drawe 003.OQ1.028 or eate thy poisonous wordes? Courage of strawe 003.OQ1.029 O Desperate Coward? wilt thou seeme boulde and 003.OQ1.030 to thy foes and his, (who made thee to stande 003.OQ1.031 souldier in this worldes garyson) thus yeild? 003.OQ1.032 and for forbidden warres leaue the appoynted feild? 003.OQ1.033 Knowe thy foes: the foule Dyvell whome thou 003.OQ1.034 Stryvest to please, (for hate not loue) wold allowe [CW:thee#fayne] 003.OQ1.035 thee fayne his whole realme to be rydd. And >%Yth%Z<#as [f.201v] 003.OQ1.036 the worldes all partes wither awaie and passe 003.OQ1.037 Soe the worldes selfe (thy other lou'de foe) is 003.OQ1.038 in her decrepitt vayne[sic], and thou lovinge this 003.OQ1.039 doest loue a withered and worne strumpett, last 003.OQ1.040 flesh it selfs death and ioyes w%5c%6h flesh can taste 003.OQ1.041 Thou louest, and thy faire goodlie soule w%5c%6h doth 003.OQ1.042 geue[sic] thy flesh power to taste ioy, thou doest loathe: 003.OQ1.043 Seeke true %1Religion%2? o%C where? %1Mireus%2 003.OQ1.044 Thinckinge her vnhousde heere and fled from vs 003.OQ1.045 Seekes her at %1Rome%2: There because he doth knowe 003.OQ1.046 That she was there one thowsand yeare agoe 003.OQ1.047 he loues her ragges, Soe as we heare obaye 003.OQ1.048 the state >%Yw%Z%Ys%Z< dazeling, yett plaine to all eies 003.OQ1.089 Keepe the truth w%5c%6h thou hast found, men do not stand 003.OQ1.090 in so ill case heere, that god hath with his hand 003.OQ1.091 signde kynges blanck Charters to kill whom they hate, 003.OQ1.092 Nor are they vicars but hangmen to fate: 003.OQ1.093 ffoole and wretch wilt thou let thy Soule be tied 003.OQ1.094 to mans lawes, by w%5c%6h she shall not be tryed 003.OQ1.095 at the last daie. O will it then serue thee? 003.OQ1.096 to saie a Phillip or a Gregorie, 003.OQ1.097 A Harry or a Martin taught thee this? 003.OQ1.098 Is not this excuse for meere Contrairies 003.OQ1.099 equally stronge? cannot both sydes saie soe? 003.OQ1.100 That thou maist rightlie obey power her boundes knowe; 003.OQ1.101 Theis past her nature, and nam>%Yd%Z<'s chaungd, To be 003.OQ1.102 then humble to her is Idolatrie, 003.OQ1.103 As streames are, power is. Those blest floures w%5c%6h dwell 003.OQ1.104 at the roughe streames, calme head thryue#>%Ythryve%Z< & proue well, 003.OQ1.105 But havinge lost their rootes, and themselues given 003.OQ1.106 to the streames tyrannous rage, are dryven 003.OQ1.107 through mills, rockes, and woodes, and at last almost 003.OQ1.108 consum'de in goinge in the Sea are lost: [CW:Soe] 003.OQ1.109 Soe perishe fooles, w%5c%6h more choose mens vniuste [f.202v] 003.OQ1.110 power from god claymde, then god hymself to truste 003.OQ1.0SS [om] 003.OQ1.0$$ %1No ind; heavy scribal L-like angle drawn at LM of l.30%2