IDENTILIN$$ F001VA1| Cat.No.17,ms.25.F.16/Neve ms.| ff.1-2v\AP\x\4-7-93\P:GAS\o\7-6-95\C:JSC 001.VA1.HE1 %XSat: 1. 001.VA1.001 Away thou chaunglinge motley Humoriste 001.VA1.002 Leaue mee, and in this standinge wooden Cheste 001.VA1.003 Consorted w%5th%6 these few books lett me lye 001.VA1.004 In Prison, and heere be Coffinde when I dye. 001.VA1.005 Heere are Gods conduits, graue diuines & here 001.VA1.006 Natures Secretary, the Philosopher 001.VA1.007 And Iolly statsmen, w%5ch%6 teach how to ty 001.VA1.008 The Sinnowes of a Cittyes misticke body. 001.VA1.009 Here gatheringe Cronicle.%5rs%6 & by them stand 001.VA1.010 Giddy fantasticke poets of each land. 001.VA1.011 Shall I leaue all this constant company 001.VA1.012 And followe headlonge wild vncertaine thee. 001.VA1.013 First sweare by thy best loue in earneste 001.VA1.014 (If thou w%5ch%6 louest all canst loue any beste) 001.VA1.015 Thou wilte not leaue mee in the middle street 001.VA1.016 Though some more spruce Companion thou doe meet 001.VA1.017 Not though a Captaine doe cum in thy waye. 001.VA1.018 Bright p%Pcell guilte w%5th%6 40. deads mens pay. 001.VA1.019 Not though a briske perfumd perte Courtiere 001.VA1.020 Dayne w%5th%6 a node, thy Curtesies to answere 001.VA1.021 Nor (cum a veluet Iustice w%5th%6 a longe 001.VA1.022 Greate traine of Blew Coats 12 or 14 stronge) 001.VA1.023 Shalt thou grine or fawne on him or p%5re%6pare 001.VA1.024 A speech to Courte his bewtious sone and heire 001.VA1.025 For better or worse take me or leaue mee 001.VA1.026 To take and leaue me is adulterye. 001.VA1.027 O monstrous sup%Pstitious Puritane 001.VA1.028 Of refinde manne%5rs%6, yet ceremoniall man 001.VA1.029 That when thou meetst one w%5th%6 enquiring eyes 001.VA1.030 Doest searche and like a needy Broker prise 001.VA1.031 The silke and gold he weares, & to that rate 001.VA1.032 Soe high or lowe doest vale the formall hatte 001.VA1.033 That wilt consorte none till thou hast knowen 001.VA1.034 What lands he hath in hope or of his owne. 001.VA1.035 As though all thy Companions should make thee 001.VA1.036 Iointe.%5rs%6 and Marry thy deere Company. [CW:Why:] 001.VA1.037 Why shouldeste thou (that doest not only approue [1v] 001.VA1.038 But in rancke itchye luste desire & loue 001.VA1.039 The nakednesse and barenese to enioye 001.VA1.040 Of thy plumpe muddy whoore & p%Pstituted boy) 001.VA1.041 Hate vertue though she be naked and bare 001.VA1.042 At birth and death o%5ur%6 bodyes naked are 001.VA1.043 And till o%5ur%6 soules be vnappareled 001.VA1.044 Of bodyes, they from blisse ar banished 001.VA1.045 Mans first best state was naked; when by sin%Me 001.VA1.046 >%YWhen#by#sine%Ztrue< father amonge all those 001.VA1.057 Sooner may on guese who >%Ycan%Zshooes,%>sewtes,< next yeare 001.VA1.062 Our supple witted Antike youthes will weare 001.VA1.063 Then thou when thou departest hence canst show 001.VA1.064 Whether, why, where, or w%5th%6 whome thouldeste goe 001.VA1.065 But, how shall I be p%Pdoned myne offence 001.VA1.066 That thus haue sinde against my conscience. 001.VA1.067 Now wee ar in the streete: he first of all 001.VA1.068 Improuidently proude, creeps to the wall 001.VA1.069 And soe imprisoned and hem'nde in by mee 001.VA1.070 Sells for a little state, his liberty 001.VA1.071 Yet though he cannot scipe forth now to greet 001.VA1.072 Euery fine silken painted foole wee meet [CW:(Hee] 001.VA1.073 Hee them to him w%5th%6 amerous smiles allures [2] 001.VA1.074 And grynes, smacks, shruggs, and such an itch indures 001.VA1.075 As Prentises, or schoole boyes, w%5ch%6 doe knowe 001.VA1.076 Of some gay sporte abroade, yet dare not goe 001.VA1.077 And as fiddlers stopp lowest at >%Ythiest%Zhighest< sound 001.VA1.078 Soe to the most braue stoops he nighest ground 001.VA1.079 But to a graue man he doeth moue noe moore 001.VA1.080 Then the wise pollitique horse would heretofore 001.VA1.081 Or thou, O Elephant, or Ape wilte doe 001.VA1.082 When any name the kinge of Spaine to you. 001.VA1.083 Now leaps he vpright, Ioggs me and Cryes 001.VA1.084 Doe you see yon wellfauord youth: w%5ch%6, yea tis hee 001.VA1.085 That daunceth soe diuinely, O said I 001.VA1.086 Stand still, must you dance here for Company 001.VA1.087 Hee droopt, wee went, till one w%5ch%6 did excell 001.VA1.088 The Indians for drinckinge his Tobacco well. 001.VA1.089 Mett vs. They talke. I whisperde letts >%Yvs%Z< goe 001.VA1.090 May be you smell him not truly I doe 001.VA1.091 Hee heares me not, but on thother side 001.VA1.092 A many coulored Peacocke haueinge spide 001.VA1.093 Leaues him and mee, I for my lost sheepe stay>%Yd%Zdoest%>stopst< thou soe 001.VA1.101 Why he hath trauaild longe. Noe but to mee 001.VA1.102 W%5ch%6 vnderstand none he doth seem to bee 001.VA1.103 Perfecte Frenche and Italian. I replied 001.VA1.104 Soe is the Pox. He answered not but spied 001.VA1.105 More men of sorte, of parte, of qualityes, 001.VA1.106 At last his Loue he in a window spyes [CW:And] 001.VA1.107 And like light dew exhalde, he flings from mee [2v] 001.VA1.108 Violently rauishte to his Leacherye 001.VA1.109 Many were there he could comande noe more 001.VA1.110 Hee quarrels, fought, bledd, and turnde out of dore 001.VA1.111 Directly came to me hanginge the head 001.VA1.112 And constantly awhile muste keepe his bedd.| 001.VA1.0SS Finis.| 001.VA1.0$$ %1No ind; foliation is scribal%2