IDENTILIN$$ F001O21|Phillipps MS|pp. 172-76\JF\x\3-24-93\P:TJS\o\7-25-95/C:MJJ\2-26-96; JSC\10-2-98 001.O21.HE1 %XSatyre y%5e%6 first. 001.O21.001 Away thou changeling motly humorist 001.O21.002 Leaue mee & this standing wooden chest 001.O21.003 conforted;[sic] w%5th%6 these few bookes; let mee lye; 001.O21.004 in prison; & there be confin'd w%M I dye. 001.O21.005 here be godes Conduites, graue diuines & heere 001.O21.006 natures Secretary y%5e%6 philosopher; 001.O21.007 & w%5c%6[sic] states-men w%5c%6 teach how to tye 001.O21.008 the Sinewes of a Cittyes mystique body; 001.O21.009 heere gathering Cronicles, & by y%5M%6 stand. 001.O21.010 giddy; phantastike poetes of each land. 001.O21.011 shall I leaue all this constant Company; 001.O21.012 & follow headlong; wilde; vncertaine, Thee; 001.O21.013 ffirst sweare by thy best loue in earnest. 001.O21.014 if thou w%5c%6 louest all; canst loue me best. 001.O21.015 Thou wilt not leaue mee in y%5e%6 middle-street 001.O21.016 though some more spruce companion thou dost meet. 001.O21.017 not though a Captaine; doe come in thy way; 001.O21.018 bright p%Pcell, gilt; w%5th%6 40 dead mens pay; 001.O21.019 not though a briske p%Pfum'd p%Pte courtier 001.O21.020 dam'd w%5th%6 a nod thy Courtesy to answere. 001.O21.021 Nor came a Veluet Iustice; w%5th%6 a long 001.O21.022 great traine of blew coates xii or xiii stronge; 001.O21.023 shalt thou grine on him, or fawne; or p%5r%6pare 001.O21.024 a speech to court his beauteous sonne & heir; 001.O21.025 for better or for worse take mee; or leaue mee; 001.O21.026 to tak & leaue mee is adultery 001.O21.027 oh monstrous superstitious puritan, 001.O21.028 of refin'd manners; yett Ceremonious ma%M; 001.O21.029 That when thou meetest one w%5th%6 refin'd eyes 001.021.030 dost search and like a needy broker prize, 001.O21.031 y%5e%6 silke & gold he weares; & to y%5t%6 patt. 001.O21.032 So high or low dost vayle thy formall hatt. 001.O21.033 y%5t%6 wilt consort w%5c%6[sic] none; till thou hast knowne 001.O21.034 w%5t%6 landes hee hath in hope; or of his owne, 001.O21.035 As though all thy Companions should make y%5ee%6 [p.174] 001.O21.036 Iointeres; and marry thy deare Company; 001.O21.037 why should'st thou; y%5t%6 not onely dost approue 001.O21.038 but in ranke itchy lust desire and loue; 001.O21.039 The nakednesse and barrennesse to enioy 001.O21.040 of thy lumpe; muddy; whore p%Pstitute boy 001.O21.041 hate vertue though shee naked bee and bare 001.O21.042 at birth; and dead, o%5r%6 bodyes naked are, 001.O21.043 & till o%5r%6 soules bee vnaparelled 001.O21.044 of bodyes; they from blisse are banished 001.O21.045 Mans first, best, state, was naked, w%M by sinne 001.O21.046 he lost y%5t%6; he was cloath'd; but in beasts skinne, 001.O21.047 & in this course attire w%5ch%6 now wee weare 001.O21.048 w%5th%6 god and w%5th%6 the muses I conferre. 001.O21.049 but since thou like a Contrite penitent 001.O21.050 charitably warn'd; of thy sinns dost repent 001.O21.051 Th'are Vanityes; and giddinesses soe 001.O21.052 I shut my chamber doore; & Come letes goe 001.O21.053 But sooner may a Cheape whore y%5t%6 hath bene 001.O21.054 worne by as many seuerall men as sinne; 001.O21.055 (as bee blacke featheres; or muske couloured hose; 001.O21.056 knowe her childes right father amongst those, 001.O21.057 Sooner may one ghesse, who shall beare away 001.O21.058 The Infant of London heis to rich India; 001.O21.059 and sooner may a gulling weather spy 001.O21.060 by drawing foorth heauens scene; tell certainely 001.O21.061 what fashion'd hattes; or ruffes or shirtes; next yeare; [p.175] 001.O21.062 o%5r%6 suppled; witty; antique; youthes; will weare. 001.O21.063 Then thou w%M thou dep%Ptest, thence canst shew, 001.O21.064 whither; why; when; or w%5th%6 whome thou would'st goe. 001.O21.065 but how shall I be p%Pdon'd myne offence, 001.O21.066 y%5t%6 thus haue sayd ag:%5t%6 my conscience, 001.O21.067 Now wee are in the street; he first of all 001.O21.068 Vnprouidently proud creepes to y%5e*%6 wall; 001.O21.069 & so imprison'd & hem'd in by mee 001.O21.070 >%Yselse%Z%Y&%Z%Ye%Z< the other side 001.O21.092 a many Couloured pecockes, hauing spide, 001.O21.093 leaues him; and mee, I for my lost sheepe stay 001.O21.094 hee followes; ouertakes; goes on>%Ye%Z< the way 001.O21.095 saying he; whome I last left; all-repute, 001.O21.096 for his >%Ydes%Z