IDENTILIN$$ F017TT2 Dalhousie 2 \f.31r-v\EWS\o\16 Dec. 1986 017.TT2.0HEom 017.TT2.001 Marie and loue thy flauia for shee [f.31] 017.TT2.002 Hath all things whereby others bewties bee 017.TT2.003 for though her eyes be small, her mouth is greatt 017.TT2.004 Though they be Iuorie, yett her teeth be Iett 017.TT2.005 Though they bee dimme, yett shee is light 017.TT2.006 And though her harsh hare faile, her skinne is rough 017.TT2.007 What thought her cheeks be yeallow, her haire is read 017.TT2.008 Giue her thyne and shee hath then a maidenhead 017.TT2.009 These things are beauties eliments, where these 017.TT2.010 Meet in one that one must as perfyt pleis 017.TT2.011 If read and whytt and each good qualitie 017.TT2.012 Bee in the wench neere ask where it doth lye 017.TT2.013 In buying things perfumd, wee ask if there 017.TT2.014 Bee musk and Amber in it, but not where 017.TT2.015 Though all her pairtes bee not in the vsuall place 017.TT2.016 Shee hath the->ane %1Anagram%2 of a good face 017.TT2.017 If wee might pairt the letters but one way 017.TT2.018 In that leane dearth of woords what could wee say 017.TT2.019 When by the Gam-vt, some musicians make 017.TT2.020 A Perfeyt sonng, others will vndertak 017.TT2.021 By the same Gam-vt changed to aequall it 017.TT2.022 Things simplie good can nevir be vnfit 017.TT2.023 Shee is fare as any if all be lyk her 017.TT2.024 And if none be, then is shee singular 017.TT2.025 All loue is wonder if wee justlie doe 017.TT2.026 Account her wonderfull why not louelie too 017.TT2.027 Loue built one beautie soone as beautie dyes 017.TT2.028 Chose this face charged w%5th%6 no deformities 017.TT2.029 Women are lyk angells, then faire bee 017.TT2.030 Lyk those wch fell to worse, but such as shee 017.TT2.031 Lyk to good angelles nothing can Impare 017.TT2.032 T'is lesser greif to bee foule, then to have beene fare 017.TT2.033 ffor one >night< Revelles silk and gold wee chuse 017.TT2.034 But in long Iorneyes cloth and leather vse 017.TT2.035 Beautie is barren oft, best husbands say 017.TT2.036 Ther is best land, where is the foulest way 017.TT2.037 Oh what soveraigne plaster will shee bee 017.TT2.038 If thy past sinnes have taught the Iealousie 017.TT2.039 Here needs noe spyes, nor Eunuches her committ 017.TT2.040 Safe to thy foes yee to a marmasett 017.TT2.041 When Belgias Cities, the round Centries dround 017.TT2.042 That dirtie foulnes guards and arms the toune 017.TT2.043 Soe doth her face guard her, and soe for thee 017.TT2.044 W%5ch%6 forced by busines oft must absent bee 017.TT2.045 Shee whose face lyk cloudes turnes day to night 017.TT2.046 Who mightier then the Sea maks mores seeme whyt 017.TT2.047 Whom though sevin yeeres shee in the stewes hade layed 017.TT2.048 A Nunnerye durst receave and think a mayde 017.TT2.049 And though in chyldbirth shee did lye 017.TT2.050 Midwyues wold sweare T'wes but a Tympanie 017.TT2.051 Whom if shee accause I credit lesse 017.TT2.052 Then witches wch Impossibles confes 017.TT2.053 Whome dildoes bedstaues and her velvet glas 017.TT2.054 Wold be as loth to sutch->>>so<>>To<