IDENTILIN$$ F017NY1 Cave ms.\pp.20-21 of %1Elegy Section%2\GAS/o/4-24-90/C:EWS/o/4-12-91 017.NY1.0HE %1Elegia%2 10%5ma%6. 017.NY1.001 Marry and loue thy %1Flauia%2, for shee 017.NY1.002 Hath all things wherby others beuteouse bee. 017.NY1.003 Although her eies be small her mouth is greate, 017.NY1.004 Though they be Iuorye yet her teeth be iett. 017.NY1.005 Though they be dimme yet is she light enough 017.NY1.006 And though her harsh hayre falls, her skinn is rough 017.NY1.007 What though her skinn be yealow, her hayre is redd 017.NY1.008 Giue her but thine she has a mayden head. 017.NY1.009 Theise thinges are b>%Ve>%Von< beutie soone as beutie dies [21 017.NY1.028 Chuse this face chang'd by noe deformities. 017.NY1.029 Women are all like angells; The fayre be 017.NY1.030 Like those w%5ch%6 fell to worse; But such as shee 017.NY1.031 Like to good angells nothing can impayre. 017.NY1.032 %7"%8T'is lesse greife to be foule, then t'haue been fayre. 017.NY1.033 ffor one nights reuells silke & gold we chuse 017.NY1.034 But in longe iournies, cloath & leather vse. 017.NY1.035 Beautie is barren ofte. Good husbandes say 017.NY1.036 There is best land where is the foulest way. 017.NY1.037 O what a soueraigne plaister will she bee 017.NY1.038 If thy past sinns haue taught the ielousie? 017.NY1.039 There needs noe spies nor eunuches; her committ 017.NY1.040 Safe to thy foe yea to a Marmasett. 017.NY1.041 When %1Belgias%2 citties the round countries drowne 017.NY1.042 That durtie fowlnesse guards & armes the towne 017.NY1.043 So doth her face gaurd her, & so forr thee 017.NY1.044 Who forc'd by businesse absente ofte must be. 017.NY1.045 She whose face like cloudes, turnes day to night 017.NY1.046 Who mightie%5r%6 then the Sea, makes Moores seem white 017.NY1.047 Whome, though seuen yeares she in the stewes had lay'd 017.NY1.048 A Nunnerie durst receiue & thinke a mayd 017.NY1.049 And though in child=birth labour she did lye 017.NY1.050 Mydwiues would sweare t'were but a tympanie. 017.NY1.051 Who if sh'accuse her self I credite lesse 017.NY1.052 The witches who impossibles confesse 017.NY1.053 Whome %1Dildoes%2, bedstaues, or a veluet glasse 017.NY1.054 Would be as loath to touch as %1Joseph%2 was. 017.NY1.055 One like to none & lik'd of none fitt'st were 017.NY1.056 ffor things in fashion euery one will weare. 017.NY1.0SS Jo: Donn. /Finis Eleg. 10.%5mae%L%6 017.NY1.0$$ %1no ind; numbered%2 X%5th.%6 %1in LM opp. HE; " marks in LM at line level in ll. 22 & 32%2