Partial First-line Index to O16

Partial First-line Index to O16

Eng. poet. e.14, Bodleian Library (Lawson ms.)

Compiled by J. Syd Conner and Gary A. Stringer

In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) Donne Variorum short form (noncan = noncanonical), (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or pages nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line. %X = element centered on the page.

Additional information:  index includes most of the Donne items.

DV            MS. +       OPENING 
SHORT FORM    ITEM #      FOLIOS   HEADINGS, 1ST LINES, ETC.                               SCRIBE

                                 * = no heading
              O16.57      22v      Ben Johnson[sic] vpon the burning of his bookes         A
                                   [And why to mee this, thou lame god of fire]
              O16.58      24       The falling on the church on[sic] the papists *Oc*b     A
                                   [Yee soons of antichrist your father dead]
              O16.59      24       On the death of the duke of ****** Leneux[sic?]         A
                                   [Ore all defenses dead, and will death say]
              O16.60      24v      On one drown'd in a well himselfe                       A
                                   [Ile neither iudge the soule, nor yet commend]
              O16.61      24v      A song                                                  A
                                   [Downe in a garden sitts my dearest deare]
              O16.62      24v      A song                                                  A
                                   [On yonder mountains foot, As I my lambs sate keeping]
              O16.63      24v    * [Latly and late for late it was at night]               A
              O16.64      25       Dr: Co: / on Mrs Mallett:                               B
                                   [Have I renounc't my Fayth? or basely sold]
              O16.65      25v    * [O when will Cupid show such art]                       A
              O16.66      26       Mr. >I.< Smith of Ch: Chu: vpon ye same                 B
                                   [Skelton some rimes; good Elderton a vallett]
              O16.67      26v    * [Declare thy greife wherewith thou art opprest]         A
              O16.68      27       A Satyre to Sr Nicholas Smith / Anno i602               B
                                   [Sleepe (next Society, & trew Fryndship]
              O16.69      29       A song                                                  A
                                   [Shall I weepe or shall I sing]
ElAnag        O16.70      29v    * [LM]Dr: Dun:                                            B
                                   [Marry & Love thy Flavia; for she]
              O16.71      30       On[sic] slaine with a ffall from a hay loft             A
                                   [Yonder aboue the midst ther lyes]
ElBrac        O16.72      30v      D: Duns / Bracelett:                                    B
              O16.73      32     * [Muse goe present these harmlesse lines, these many]    A
              O16.74      32       On a beautyful pittifull woman                          A
                                   [She that hath beauty and yet wanteth pitty]
ElFatal       O16.75      32v      D: Dun   To his Mrs: who wold have gone with him /
                                   disguised as His Page. [standard 1st line]              B
              O16.76      33       A degree of foe%Lmalls                                  A
                                   [A wife is like a garment vsd and torne]
ElWar         O16.77      33v    * [LM]D: Dun                                              B
                                   [Till I have Peace with thee warre other Men]
              O16.78      34       On mans life disticks[sic?]                             A
                                   [Mans life, a travill, when wee haue weary been;]
              O16.79      34       Women                                                   A
                                   [Wher no men loue and place delight]
ElPerf        O16.80      34v      D.r Dn:  Discovered by a p%Pfume   [standard 1st line]  B
              O16.81      35v      A caveat for maids                                      A
                                   [Each gready hand doth catch and pluck the flower]
              O16.82      35v      Lust                                                    A
                                   [Beautys and leachery are things attactive]
Julia         O16.[83]    36       D.r Dun. his Iulia suppos'd to be his Mrs / Mother      B
                                   [verbals match H6]
noncan        O16.84      36v      Dr Dun vpon ye death of a / Gentlewoman                 B
                                   [Is Death so great a Gamester, yt he throwe's]
              O16.85      37v    * [Susans wellsped and wears a velvet hood]               A
ElAut         O16.86      38       Dr: Dun his Widdow   [standard 1st line]                B
              O16.87      38v    * [Cloris sat, and sitting slept,]                        A
ValMourn      O16.88      39       D: Dun To his Mrs when he was to travayle               B
                                   [standard 1st line]
              O16.89      39v      D: Dun:[LM,l.1] %XA Poem vpon Absence   [noncanonical]  A
                                   [Asence,[sic] heare thow my protestation]
Broken        O16.90      40     * [LM]D: Dun:                                             B
                                   [He is starke mad who ever sayes]
              O16.91      40v    * [It is mad world growne][sic] (4 8-l. sts.)             A
Storm         O16.92      41       D: Dun: description of a storme in ye Island 
                                   Voyage / i597. sent to Mr: Chr: Brooke.                 B
                                   [Storm, standard 1st line]
              O16.93      42       Of kissing                                              A
                                   [Kise mee sweet and wary louer.]
SSWeet        O16.94      42v      D: Dun:[LM]   To his Mrs when he went to Travayle:      B
                                   [Sweetest Love, I doe not goe]  
Har           O16.95      43       Obsequeis on the L.d Harrington brother to the
                                   Count: of bedford                                       A[yes]
                                   [ffaire soule, which wast not soe as all souls bee,]
              O16.96      45v      Vpon one that died vpon[sic] the yellow iawndas[e]      A
                                   [Those theesuish maladies that stole him hence]
              O16.97      45v      One running dyed suddainly                              A
                                   [Toe dye is naturs debt if ought remaine]
              O16.98      46       On a Lady dining in childbed                            A
                                   [Borne at the first to bring another forth]
              [no #]      46       On Prince Henry                                         A
                                   [Keer[sic?] station nature and rest heauen sure]
              &c. . . .